Guns & Militaria
Lot 2178:
WWII Elgin Watch Company Made Model 600 Ships Chronometer. Chronometer is in excellent condition with original wooden carrying case as well as original wooden daily use box. Very intricate gimbaled ships clock was used to keep time about naval ships. Still used by mariners to this day. This rare piece has its late owners name on a brass plaque on the inside of the daily use box. His Name was William E. Redecker and it must have been a gift to him. He was the President of the First National Bank of Elgin, Illinois and this may have been his 1987 retirement gift. The clock appears to have been reconditioned for the presentation to Redecker. We can not get the back off the clock works to do full timing test but we may assume it was serviced before given as gift. This is a supremely rare and highly prized Navy chronometer. NOTE: We did not want to damage the clock works back and damage it in any way. It is being told “as is” but we know it was very well taken care of in any event.
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